The Basics
Imagination & Intuition
I believe SoulCollage® can be for everyone… When I was first introduced to this collaging tool for introspection I immediately felt a sense of belonging. My personal growth work, spirituality and creativity finally had a common ground. Years, and an ever growing stack of SoulCollage® cards, later, I am more in awe of this creative, spiritual modality that ever. It surprises me, enlightens me, connects me. I find answers, directions, and solace when I consult the different aspects of myself I now have a window into knowing.
If you have found yourself on this page, I hope you have stumbled into the fun, fulfilling world of SoulCollage® just as I did all those years ago. All of you is welcome here… come on in… wander around… get inspired… go create!
Collaging With Soul
Creative. Healing. Fun.
I believe SoulCollage® can be for everyone… When I was first introduced to this collaging tool for introspection I immediately felt a sense of belonging. My personal growth work, spirituality and creativity finally had a common ground. Years, and an ever growing stack of SoulCollage® cards, later, I am more in awe of this creative, spiritual modality that ever. It surprises me, enlightens me, connects me. I find answers, directions, and solace when I consult the different aspects of myself I now have a window into knowing.
If you have found yourself on this page, I hope you have stumbled into the fun, fulfilling world of SoulCollage® just as I did all those years ago. All of you is welcome here… come on in… wander around… get inspired… go create!
“SoulCollage® Suits” an article by creator Seena Frost
SoulCollage® Suits Author: SoulCollage® Founder Seena B. Frost (1932-2016) Source: Free monthly SoulCollage® Community Update 2013 I’m writing today about SoulCollage® and its suits, because I know many of you are interested in this topic, and I would like to share a few of my thoughts about using the four SoulCollage® suits and about changing them, enlarging on them, or eliminating them. There are an infinite number of
An Epic List of SoulCollage® Council Card Archetypes
"The School of Fail" put together this list of characters from an Epic Tale and is a perfect way to inspire us in our exploration
Just Dive In! Your First SoulCollage ® Card in 7 Easy Steps
7 Steps to Your First SoulCollage ® Card SoulCollage ® is a unique blend of expressive art and the magic of collage. Created by
Unlock, Inspire, and Harness your Divine Creativity with SoulCollage ®
The SoulCollage ® creative process offers an opportunity to easily and joyfully explore our deeper selves. You are Godde’s Brilliance Made Manifest. We are all Children of
Why Use Royalty-Free Images for Your SoulCollage® Cards
SoulCollage® does not advocate copying or infringing on the copyrighted work of others in any way. SoulCollage® cards are made for personal use. The most essential requirement for SoulCollage®
SoulCollage® Committee Suit
All the images in the “Grounded Navigator” and “Slow Walker” SoulCollage ® Card are Public Domain, Copyright-Free images from The Collage Chronicles™. Each edition is a collection of free
SoulCollage® Community Suit
All the images in the “Seena Frost” SoulCollage ® Card are Public Domain, Royalty-Free images SoulCollage ® is a magically creative process of making beautiful collaged cards from found
SoulCollage® Companion Suit
All the images in the “Sacral Chakra” SoulCollage ® Card are Public Domain, Copyright-Free images from The Collage Chronicles™ Companion Edition. Each edition is a collection of free to
SoulCollage® Council Suit
All the images in the “Spring” SoulCollage ® Card are Public Domain, Copyright-Free images from The Collage Chronicles™. Each edition is a collection of free to use images, symbolism,